Sentinel Riobot Linebarrel "Linebarrels of Iron"
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Sentinel Riobot Linebarrel "Linebarrels of Iron"

$623.99 CAD Release Date: 2023-05-01

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    Welcome to the world of Linebarrels of Iron, where epic battles and thrilling adventures await! Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of this anime with our incredible collection of Figures and Model Kits. Get ready to meet the main characters who will steal your heart and ignite your imagination. Embrace the power of Kouichi Hayase, a high school student who becomes the pilot of the mighty Linebarrel. Join him on his quest to protect humanity from the menacing KATO-KIKAN. Alongside him, you'll encounter the fierce Emi Kizaki, the enigmatic Risako Niiyama, and the brilliant Izuna Endo. Unleash your inner hero and bring these characters to life with our stunning collection!